Agnes Pek presenting her research at the 2024 Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activities ConferenceGroup photo from February 2024. From left to right: (back) Madison Smith, Agnes Pek, Chisom Dim, Adam Culick, Jonathan Fong, Doris He. (front) Wendy Hsin, Cedric Centers, Kyle CrabtreeKyle, Chisom, Adam, and Alicia Hernandez Castillo’s group at the ISMS 2023 plenary sessionAdam Culick presenting at ISMS 2023Chisom Dim presenting at ISMS 2023Adam Culick installing a new turbo pump on a vacuum chamberKyle, Adam, and Chisom at Wrigley Field before ISMS 2023Chisom hanging out at Lake Michigan before ISMS 2023Kyle and Adam catching up with former students Hannah Toru and Haley Scolati at ISMS 2023Pitot sensor for impact pressure measurementsCP-FTMW vacuum chamberGroup photo May 2023. Back row (left to right): Jonathan Fong, Dylan Almeida, Adam Culick, Liam Melvin. Front row (left to right): Marissa Klapperich, Chisom Dim, Kyle Crabtree, Cedric Centers, Wendy HsinGraduation for Dr. Kelly Meyer!Patrizia Polichetti adjusting a pulsed valveCelebrating Dr. Zach Buchanan!Celebration of Dr. Sommer Johansen!First 3 PhDs from the group! Left to right: Zhongxing Xu, Zach Buchanan, Kyle Crabtree, Sommer JohansenAnna Wannenmacher with the Black Widow plasma cellKyle showing off a collection of vacuum pumps the lab inheritedKelly Meyer building a new gas mixing manifoldSommer Johansen presenting at ISMS 2019Zach Buchanan presenting at ISMS 2019Zhongxing Xu presenting at ISMS 2019Group photo at the ISMS 2019 picnic. Left to right: Sommer Johansen, Kyle Crabtree, Hannah Toru, Haley Scolati, Kelly Meyer, Zach Buchanan, Zhongxing Xu, Wes WesterfieldKyle and Sommer at Lick Observatory on an observing runGroup at ISMS 2018. Left to right: Zhongxing Xu, Eric Nguyen, Kyle Crabtree, Sommer Johansen, Haley ScolatiDeep dish pizza after ISMS 2019. Left-to-right: Haley Scolati, Zach Buchanan, Sommer Johansen, Zhongxing Xu, Wes Westerfield, Kyle Crabtree, Kelly MeyerKyle Crabtree and Haley Scolati at graduation (June 2018)Sommer Johansen and Kyle Crabtree preparing for a remote observing night with the 3m Shane telescope on Mt. HamiltonZach Buchanan, Wes Westerfield, and Sommer Johansen with one of our earliest CP-FTMW spectra displayed“Black Widow” plasma cell.